Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Which Celebrity Looks Most Like Goomba

So I've already talked about the Goomba in the Mario Bros movie and how unsuitable he was. Now it's time to talk about lookalikes. I'd never do something crazy like remake the Mario Bros movie. Videogame movies shouldn't exist in the first place. Like you know how they do book adaptations of movies. I had a Terminator 2 book that was based on the movie. Not the other way around. I imagine they still do this kinda thing. It's the same deal with videogame movies. The natural process is for games to be based on movies. The other way around? Not so sure. Like did you hear they're remaking Street Fighter? At least the original Street Fighter was relevant back then. But look at this cast. Michael Clarke Duncan as Balrog? I mean I guess it kinda makes sense, although Balrog's a lot younger than Michael Clarke Duncan.

But enough! We're so off topic. The point here isn't to make Mario Brothers again with a new Goomba. It's not to make a Goomba movie. It's simply, who out there looks like Goomba? Or could pass as Goomba. Maybe for halloween even. Here are a few folks I've thought of:

Joe Pesci

I mentioned him before, but I think he's really like the human archetype.

Verne Troyer

Just paint him orange and put some eyebrows on him. It'll be an exact replica.

Gary Coleman

Same deal. Paint him orange. He's the right height and by this point he's old and a bit heavyset, so he's the right weight too.

An unidentified coworker (rhymes with Belmar) says Djimon Hounsou... Not sure about that one, but I like the out of the box thinking at least... Update: I looked up pictures of Djimon and I think it could work.

Like Oscar winning role work. But I already said it: WE'RE NOT REMAKIGN MARIO! Sorry Djimon, I guess you'll need to win an Oscar on another project.

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